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If you live in a qualifying county above, Living Independence For the Elderly – Northwestern Pennsylvania (LIFE-NWPA) creates a unique community for individuals that allows independence for them and their caregivers.

LIFE-NWPA currently serves Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Forest, Jefferson, Mercer, Venango, Cameron, McKean, and Warren counties. To learn more about how we serve your county, just select it on the map above.  Feel free to stop in for a visit or tour.

We’re in your Neighborhood

Qualifying for care under this federal program is simpler than you may think.  How to Qualify


LIFE-NWPA Erie Center

Located in downtown Erie, PA.

LIFE-NWPA Crawford Center

Located on the 1st floor of the Meadville Medical Center in Meadville, PA.

LIFE-NWPA Mercer Center

Located in downtown Sharon, PA.

LIFE-NWPA Warren Center

Located in Warren, PA.

LIFE-NWPA Clarion Center

Located in Clarion, PA.

LIFE-NWPA Clearfield Center

Located in Clearfield, PA.